Listing ID : 700709
Listed On April 15, 2024 517
Listing Updated June 26, 2024
This is being sold by way of court ordered receivership and is subject to court confirmation.
Secure multiple Cultivation & Manufacturing licenses in Tonopah, Nevada, through a unique court-ordered receivership, making this a truly exceptional find. Included in the sale are the property and the coveted cultivation & manufacturing licenses. This facility employs large-scale propane blasting techniques on its flowers, boasting 10 greenhouses with one dedicated to mother plants and the potential for expansion to accommodate up to 25 greenhouses. Spanning 992 acres, with 40 acres already designated for operation, this is a substantial outdoor operation yielding one grow per season. With the cannabis market consolidating in 2024, the demand for cannabis businesses and licenses in California is skyrocketing once more. Operators seeking to expand and prepare for the Rescheduling of Cannabis are eagerly seeking outdoor Cultivation & Manufacturing licenses.
Assets for Sale:
All assets of The Hempire Company, LLC, and Nevada Ag Co., including
Real property in Esmeralda County, Nevada with APNs: 006-531-16 (approx. 823.07 acres) and 006-531-17 (approx. 169.17 acres)
All personal property located at the real property identified above
The following cannabis cultivation and production licenses:C184- #70209896007156084397 (Cultivation)
RC184- #6792112822127640143 (Adult Use Cultivation)
P120- #26305992777135829665 (Medical Production)
RP 120- #64364789010887954474 (Adult Use Production)
Cultivation: Licensed to cultivate (grow), harvest, and package cannabis; to have cannabis tested by a testing facility; and to sell cannabis to retail cannabis stores, to cannabis product manufacturing facilities, and to other cultivation facilities, but not to consumers.
Production Manufacturing: Licensed to purchase cannabis; manufacture, process, and package cannabis and cannabis products; and sell cannabis and cannabis products to other product manufacturing facilities and to retail cannabis stores, but not to consumers. Cannabis products include things like edibles, ointments, and tinctures
Overbid Hearing:
On Friday, May 31, 2024, at 9:30 am at the Regional Justice Center, Courtroom 16d, 200 Lewis Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89101, the Nevada District Court in Case No. A-23-880387-B will conduct an overbid hearing to confirm the sale of all assets listed above.
The sale is subject to the terms and conditions of an “Asset Purchase Agreement” and First Addendum thereto, and requires regulatory approval by the Nevada Cannabis Compliance Board and the Nevada District Court.
The opening bid will be $8,612,619.72, with successive bidding increments of $100,000. At least 2 business days before the overbid hearing, bidders must prequalify by providing: (a) a deposit of $618,007.55, either via cashier’s check or wire transfer/ACH; and (b) proof of funds as to the bidder’s highest bid amount. Bidders who are not the winning bidder will receive their $618,007.55 deposit back promptly following the hearing.
Prequalified bidders may appear in person at the address above, or remotely via zoom using the following information:
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 858 4632 5224
Passcode: 631894
Must sign an NDA/Waiver and provide Proof of Financials before any other detailed information is released, along with the company’s location. This listing is Fully Exclusive only by Green Life Business Group, Inc.
Green Life Business Group, Inc DRE CA LIC# 02061374
Samuel Baird DRE LIC NV #0146087
Drew Mathews, DRE CA LIC# 02073168
If you have any questions call Drew (619) 653-0483 & Eric (858) 245-6324
Email: &
Green Life Business Group Inc. we are here to both help you sell or buy a cannabis business.
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